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AB_Whales Tonga.00_02_04_36.Still001

Queensland's shark nets undermine humpback whale tourism

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by Envoy: Shark Cull -

Whale-watching tourism is a significant source of revenue for Australian east coast communities, but the continued entanglement of humpback whales in Queensland shark nets could negatively impact the industry.

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Shark Culling Campaign Update

Saving Migaloo and his kin from Queensland shark nets

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by Envoy: Shark Cull -

The threats facing whales today are numerous and complex. From climate change and habitat loss to pollution and overfishing, these creatures face a range of challenges that could profoundly impact their survival. In Queensland, the biggest danger to humpback whales is an unnecessary one: shark nets.

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Australian Story: Valerie Taylor Part 2

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by Australian Story -

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Save the baby sharks: It's time to remove the shark net at Burleigh Beach, Queensland

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by Envoy: Shark Cull -

April 2023 is an unprecedented time at Burleigh Beach, Queensland, as hundreds of hammerhead pups make their temporary home there, but how many will die in the shark net? You can help protect the pups!

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Australian Story: Valerie Taylor Part 1

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by Australian Story -

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