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Recent IUCN position on approaches to shark control clashes with NSW and QLD programs

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by Envoy: Shark Cull -

The IUCN's recent stance challenges lethal approaches to shark control in NSW and QLD, emphasising the need for non-lethal approaches in addressing human-shark interactions.

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TurtleDrumline_RTI 21-241 QLD FOI 2020-21

Queensland's Catch-Alert Drumline Trials: Redundant

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by Envoy: Shark Cull -

Despite the adoption of catch-alert drumlines by other regions, why does Queensland continue to engage in trials when the technology has already been tested?

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A short read: Does shark control work?

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by Envoy: Shark Cull -

While it is widely accepted in scientific and legal circles that shark culling (shark control programs) is not effective, we wanted to put together a short and simple summary for the rest of the community.

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NSW Shark Nets and the Battle for Transparency

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by Envoy: Shark Cull -

NSW Premier Minns' ill-informed defence of the shark net program, set to return on September 1st, sparks worry among the public, conservationists, and scientists.

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Are you a NSW resident? Here's a significant opportunity to make a real difference

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by Envoy: Shark Cull -

To prevent the return of shark nets on September 1st, NSW residents have a vital chance to shape shark bite safety strategies by emailing Minister Moriarty and asking for much-needed change.

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