Ocean Protect Podcast: Shark Defence with Jonathan Clark

2022-08-21 05:32 AM by Envoy: Shark Cull–  1m read

Jonathan (Jonno) Clark from Sea Shepherd Australia plays a critical role in our film, Envoy: Shark Cull. His tireless work as Queensland Co-Ordinator of Sea Shepherd's Operation Apex Harmony is a pivotal part of our film's narrative.

Jonathan does all of this on his own time. He is a Sea Shepherd volunteer who has been campaigning to protect sharks since 2014. Jonathan is a central figure in the fight to remove shark nets in Queensland and New South Wales.

In a recent interview with Ocean Protect, Jonathan talks about lesser-known shark net facts, describes the difference between tradition and 'SMART' drumlines and goes over a bit of history, as well as the differences between the NSW and QLD shark culling programs and a whole lot more.

Jonathan also talks about the critical role Envoy: Shark Cull has played in the fight to remove shark nets.

It's worth a listen.

You can follow Jonathan on Instagram @jonno_lookingoutforthesharks.

Envoy: Shark-Cull cast member shark defender, Jonathan Clark

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